Why would you get an e3lectric shock if you flew a kite close to the electricity wires?

You wont, unless you fly close enough to touch. AC power lines are neutral to ground.

If you fly a kite close to electricity wires, there is a possibility of getting an electric shock. This happens because electricity can travel through the kite string and into your body, causing harm. Let me explain why this occurs:

1. Conduction: Electricity can travel through conductive materials such as metal. If the kite string is made of a conductive material, like metal or wire, and it comes into contact with a wire carrying electrical current, the electricity can flow through the string.

2. Grounding: Electricity generally follows the path of least resistance to the ground. If you are holding onto the kite string and it becomes charged with electricity from the power lines, you can become a conductor for the electricity to flow through you and into the ground.

3. Electric Potential: When you are near electrical wires, there can be a difference in electric potential between the power lines and your body. This difference can cause an electric shock if there is a path for the electricity to flow.

To avoid getting an electric shock when flying a kite, it is crucial to maintain a safe distance from power lines. Here are some important safety steps to follow:

1. Choose a suitable location: Always fly your kite in an open space away from power lines, transmission towers, or substations. Make sure there are no overhead power lines in your vicinity.

2. Be aware of surroundings: Look around and ensure that there are no power lines nearby or above the area where you plan to fly the kite.

3. Use non-conductive materials: Avoid using metallic or wire-based kite strings. Instead, opt for non-conductive materials like nylon or polyester strings, which are less likely to conduct electricity.

4. Keep distance: Maintain a safe distance from power lines, at least several hundred feet away horizontally and vertically.

5. Be cautious with tall structures: Be careful not to fly kites near tall structures, such as poles or buildings, as they could be in proximity to power lines.

Remember, electricity can be dangerous, and it's crucial to respect the power lines to ensure your safety and the safety of others.