what are the related phases of revolutionary development until 1781 For the American Revolution and 1795 for the French Revolution?

To understand the related phases of revolutionary development until 1781 for the American Revolution and 1795 for the French Revolution, we need to break down the events that took place during these periods.

1. The American Revolution (1765-1781):

a. The Colonial Grievances: In the mid-1760s, the American colonies faced increasing discontent over issues such as excessive taxation by the British Parliament without representation, restrictions on trade, and the presence of British troops. This phase highlighted the growing tensions between the colonies and the British Empire.

b. Revolutionary Ideology: By the late 1760s and early 1770s, revolutionary ideas, such as natural rights and the concept of self-governance, began to gain popularity among American colonists. Influenced by Enlightenment philosophers, these ideas fueled a desire for independence from British rule.

c. The American Revolutionary War (1775-1783): The war between the American colonies and Great Britain represents the most active phase of the American Revolution. It began with the Battle of Lexington and Concord in 1775 and ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783, which recognized the independence of the United States.

2. The French Revolution (1789-1795):

a. Social and Economic Distress: In the late 18th century, France faced significant economic and social challenges. The country was burdened with a heavy debt, widespread poverty, and inequality, with the privileged classes enjoying special privileges and exemptions from taxation.

b. Rise of Revolutionary Sentiments: Inspired by the successes of the American Revolution and enlightened ideas, French intellectuals, commoners, and some members of the nobility started calling for political reforms. The Estates-General was convened in 1789, leading to the formation of the National Assembly, representing the will of the people.

c. Radical Phase: From 1792 onwards, the French Revolution entered a radical phase. The monarchy was abolished, leading to the execution of King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette in 1793. Revolutionary fervor intensified, and sweeping changes were implemented, including the Reign of Terror and the establishment of the revolutionary government.

d. The Directory: In 1795, the French Revolution entered its final phase with the implementation of the Directory. This period marked a transition away from radicalism and towards a more conservative government structure, as power shifted to the hands of the bourgeoisie.

To summarize, the phases of revolutionary development until 1781 in the American Revolution and 1795 in the French Revolution include colonial grievances, revolutionary ideology, and the American Revolutionary War for the American Revolution, while the French Revolution includes social and economic distress, the rise of revolutionary sentiments, a radical phase, and the establishment of the Directory.