Fernando, a manager in a retail store, is changing the work schedule of his long-term employees for the holiday season. He is using the same basic schedule as he did last year. Fernando should expect that his employees will be:

A) terribly upset and quit
B) terribly upset but not quit
C) moderately upset
D) hardly upset, or not upset at all
I think that C could be right answer,but i am not sure! THANK YOU

To answer this question, we need to consider the situation and potential reactions of the employees.

When a manager changes the work schedule, especially for long-term employees, it is natural for them to have some level of reaction or upset. However, the extent of their upset and whether they will quit or not can vary.

In this case, since Fernando is using the same basic schedule as last year, the employees might have already experienced this change before. Based on this information, we can determine that the employees are likely to be moderately upset (Option C).

It's important to remember that individual employees may have different reactions, so it is possible that some employees may be only slightly upset or not upset at all (Option D). However, it would be unrealistic to assume that all employees would fall under this category. Therefore, Option D is not the best answer.

Additionally, without more information about the employees and their individual personalities, it is difficult to predict whether any of them would quit as a result of the schedule change. Therefore, we cannot confidently determine that Option A or Option B is the correct answer.

Considering the given information, the most appropriate answer is Option C: moderately upset.