6ab + 4bc - 3bc + bc


To simplify the given expression 6ab + 4bc - 3bc + bc, we can combine like terms.

Step 1: Group the terms with similar variables.

The terms with variable ab are 6ab.
The terms with variable bc are 4bc, -3bc, and bc.

Step 2: Add or subtract the coefficients of the grouped terms.

6ab + 4bc - 3bc + bc
= 6ab + (4bc - 3bc) + bc
= 6ab + bc + bc + bc
= 6ab + 3bc + bc
= 6ab + 4bc

The simplified expression is 6ab + 4bc.

In summary, to simplify an expression, group the like terms together and then add or subtract the coefficients of those terms.

6ab+1bc to the third power . ( i think)


