Liza used a cardboard cube as part of an art project. The cube has a volume of 729 square inches. Which cube might she use. one with 4inches in length, 9 inches, 10 inches, or 7 inches,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=95e6f5d098e4da22&biw=711&bih=453

9 inches

To determine which cube Liza might use, we need to find the cube that has a volume of 729 square inches.

The volume of a cube is calculated by raising the length of one side to the power of 3.

Let's calculate the volumes of the provided cube options:

1) Cube with 4 inches in length:
Volume = 4 inches * 4 inches * 4 inches = 64 square inches

2) Cube with 9 inches in length:
Volume = 9 inches * 9 inches * 9 inches = 729 square inches

3) Cube with 10 inches in length:
Volume = 10 inches * 10 inches * 10 inches = 1000 square inches

4) Cube with 7 inches in length:
Volume = 7 inches * 7 inches * 7 inches = 343 square inches

Now, comparing the volumes to the given requirements, we can see that the cube with a length of 9 inches has a volume of 729 square inches, which matches the volume mentioned in the question. Therefore, Liza might use the cube with 9 inches in length for her art project.