1.Writers often communicate their themes by building clues into the story. Choose one story from Collection 4 and show how the author uses characterization, title choice, and key passages to develop the theme of the story. Use examples from the story, including quotes from the key passages you choose.

***Hear is my answer**
In the story "The Gift" the author uses indirect characterization. When introducing them he doesn't say the boy's name nor anything about him other than that it is his first time in space and that it is almost Christmas. When he mentions parents he uses the word "they" , "So when, at the customs table, they where forced to leave behind his gift." He is not referring to them as parents until later in the passage when he says "his" this gives you a clue that they might be parents to the boy you just read about.
The title choice of the story suggest there is a gift involved as you read. You later find out that the gift was a small tree lit with white candles. The young boys parents where not able to bring the tree because "exceeded the weight limit by no more than a few ounces." Farther into the story you learn that the father finds a new gift for the boy.
The key passages are 1,2,7 and 10. In passage one it opens the story and tells us about the boy, his parents, and their problem about his present. In two it shows how worried his parents are about finding him a present and lets us know they will need to find a new one. The next passage 7 acknowledges the fact the father has an idea for a new present and makes his son wait. In ten we see what the present is. The present is people singing Christmas carols and the stars outside the window. I believe the theme of the story is how much a parent loves their child in order to get them a present also how child experiences are unique and wonderful.----Do you think that is good or does it need a little more?

This is not a theme:

how much a parent loves their child in order to get them a present also how child experiences are unique and wonderful
Read through themes in here and rephrase so you have a theme, not a summary of the story.
(Notice that themes are phrases, not compound sentences.)

Plus ...
These are your directions:
...show how the author uses characterization, title choice, and key passages to develop the theme of the story.

Use examples from the story, including quotes from the key passages you choose.

As far as I can tell you have not done any of this.

Since I do not know the author and cannot find this story online, I cannot help you with that.

Your response is generally good, but it could benefit from a little more depth and analysis. Here's an expanded version of your answer:

In the story "The Gift," the author effectively uses various literary techniques to develop the theme of love and the uniqueness of childhood experiences. Through indirect characterization, the author introduces the young boy without explicitly mentioning his name or relationship to the other characters. The use of pronouns, such as "they" and later "his," hints at the boy's parents' presence in the narrative. This choice allows readers to infer that the characters might be the boy's parents, thereby establishing an emotional connection between them and the reader.

Furthermore, the title "The Gift" itself suggests that the story revolves around the presentation of a significant item. As the story progresses, we learn that the original gift planned by the boy's parents is a small tree adorned with white candles. However, due to weight limitations, they are unable to bring it with them on their journey. This setback reinforces the idea that the parents are making a considerable effort to provide their son with a memorable and special experience.

The key passages, including passages 1, 2, 7, and 10, contribute significantly to the development of the theme. Passage 1 introduces the characters and their predicament, highlighting the parents' concern about obtaining a substitute gift for their son. Passage 2 emphasizes the parents' worry and foreshadows their determination to find a new present. Passage 7 further illustrates the father's efforts and builds anticipation for the eventual reveal of the new gift. Finally, in passage 10, the parents' ultimate gift to their son is unveiled: an enchanting scene of people singing Christmas carols and the starry night outside the window. This gift encapsulates the theme of love and the unique experiences associated with childhood, as it demonstrates the depth of affection the parents have for their child and the magic they wish to create for him.

In conclusion, through the use of indirect characterization, a thought-provoking title choice, and carefully selected key passages, the author effectively develops the theme of love and the importance of uniquely crafted childhood experiences in "The Gift." By examining the details provided in the story, such as the parents' efforts to obtain a substitute present and the enchanting gift they ultimately give their son, readers gain a deeper understanding of the profound affection a parent can have for their child and the lasting impact such experiences can have in a young person's life.

Your analysis of the story "The Gift" and how the author uses characterization, title choice, and key passages to develop the theme is quite good. You have identified the indirect characterization used to reveal the boy's parents, and how their actions and dialogue contribute to the theme of parental love. The title choice of "The Gift" indicates the presence of a gift in the story, and you have highlighted how this gift evolves throughout the narrative. Additionally, you have specifically mentioned key passages, such as passages 1, 2, 7, and 10, to support your analysis. These passages effectively showcase the development of the theme and the significance of the various gifts in the story.

To further enhance your answer, you could consider providing specific quotes or examples from the key passages to support your points. For example, you could quote the passage where the father acknowledges having an idea for a new present or the passage where the actual gift is revealed. This would help provide more concrete evidence to support your interpretation of the theme.

Overall, your analysis provides a solid understanding of how the author develops the theme of parental love and the unique experiences of children in "The Gift." Adding specific examples from the story would further strengthen your answer.