In triangle ABC, BC is produced to D. If angle ACD = 110 degree and angle ABC = 70 degree. Find angle BAC. Give reason.

The interior angle ACB= 70°

The rest is easy.

This app is very bad when I ever found questions it never meet

This app is very bad when I ever found questions it never meet

To find angle BAC, we can apply the Angle Sum Property in a triangle. According to the property, the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

In triangle ABC, we know that angle ABC is 70 degrees. Now, we need to find angle BAC.

Since BC is produced to D, angle ACD is formed by the extension of BC. Angle ACD is given as 110 degrees.

To find angle BAC, we can subtract the sum of angle ABC and angle ACD from 180 degrees.

Angle BAC = 180 degrees - (angle ABC + angle ACD)
= 180 degrees - (70 degrees + 110 degrees)
= 180 degrees - 180 degrees
= 0 degrees

Therefore, angle BAC is 0 degrees.

However, it is important to note that with the given information, we cannot determine the exact measure of angle BAC. It is possible that angle BAC is not defined.