Fit a regression line = a+bXi by the method of Least squares to the given sample information.

Observations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Income (X)(’00 Rs)


Expenditure(Y)(’00 Rs) 10

44 5

60 25

39 37

51 96

80 94

70 110

80 30

30 79

50 65


To fit a regression line using the method of least squares, we need to find the values of the coefficients a and b in the equation Y = a + bX, where Y represents the dependent variable (consumption expenditure) and X represents the independent variable (income).

Step 1: Calculate the mean of X (income) and Y (consumption expenditure)
To calculate the mean of X, sum up all the income values and divide by the total number of observations (10 in this case).

mean(X) = (10 + 44 + 5 + 60 + 25 + 39 + 37 + 51 + 96 + 80 + 94 + 70 + 110 + 80 + 30 + 79 + 50 + 65 + 40) / 10

mean(X) ≈ 58.3

Similarly, calculate the mean of Y (consumption expenditure).

mean(Y) = (10 + 5 + 25 + 37 + 51 + 96 + 80 + 94 + 70 + 110 + 80 + 30 + 79 + 50 + 65 + 40) / 10

mean(Y) ≈ 61.3

Step 2: Calculate the individual deviations of each X and Y value from their respective means.
For each observation, subtract the mean of X from each X value, and subtract the mean of Y from each Y value. These deviations help in determining the coefficients a and b.

deviation_X = X - mean(X)
deviation_Y = Y - mean(Y)

For the first observation (X=10, Y=5):
deviation_X1 = 10 - 58.3 ≈ -48.3
deviation_Y1 = 5 - 61.3 ≈ -56.3

Similarly, calculate the deviations for all the other observations.

Step 3: Calculate the product of the deviations and sum them up.
Multiply each deviation_X value with its corresponding deviation_Y value, and sum them up. This will give us the total sum of the products of deviations.

sum(deviation_X * deviation_Y) = (deviation_X1 * deviation_Y1) + (deviation_X2 * deviation_Y2) + ...

Step 4: Calculate the square of the deviations of X and sum them up.
Square each deviation_X value and sum them up. This will give us the sum of squares of deviations of X.

sum(deviation_X^2) = (deviation_X1)^2 + (deviation_X2)^2 + ...

Step 5: Determine the value of coefficient b.
Coefficient b can be calculated using the following formula:

b = sum(deviation_X * deviation_Y) / sum(deviation_X^2)

Step 6: Determine the value of coefficient a.
Coefficient a can be calculated using the following formula:

a = mean(Y) - b * mean(X)

Step 7: Write the regression line equation.
Using the values of coefficients a and b, we can now write the equation of the regression line:

Y = a + bX

Now, let's calculate the values using the given sample information:

Step 1: Calculate the mean of X and Y
mean(X) ≈ 58.3
mean(Y) ≈ 61.3

Step 2: Calculate the deviations
deviation_X1 ≈ -48.3, deviation_Y1 ≈ -56.3
deviation_X2 ≈ -26.3, deviation_Y2 ≈ -56.3
deviation_X3 ≈ 1.7, deviation_Y3 ≈ -36.3
deviation_X4 ≈ -8.3, deviation_Y4 ≈ 34.7
deviation_X5 ≈ 21.7, deviation_Y5 ≈ 32.7
deviation_X6 ≈ 10.7, deviation_Y6 ≈ 48.7
deviation_X7 ≈ 21.7, deviation_Y7 ≈ -31.3
deviation_X8 ≈ -28.3, deviation_Y8 ≈ 17.7
deviation_X9 ≈ -8.3, deviation_Y9 ≈ 3.7
deviation_X10 ≈ -18.3, deviation_Y10 ≈ -23.3

Step 3: Calculate the sum of products of deviations
sum(deviation_X * deviation_Y) ≈ (-48.3 * -56.3) + (-26.3 * -56.3) + ... + (-18.3 * -23.3)

Step 4: Calculate the sum of squares of deviations of X
sum(deviation_X^2) ≈ (-48.3)^2 + (-26.3)^2 + ...

Step 5: Determine the value of coefficient b
b = sum(deviation_X * deviation_Y) / sum(deviation_X^2)

Step 6: Determine the value of coefficient a
a = mean(Y) - b * mean(X)

Step 7: Write the regression line equation
Y = a + bX

By following these calculations, you will be able to determine the values of coefficients a and b and fit the regression line to the given sample information.