please help me simplify


∛(-1) = -1

since (-1)(-1)(-1) = -1

If you're working in complex numbers, don't forget that there are three solutions to the cubic equation x©ø = -1. x = -1 is one of them; the other two are x = (1 + ¡î3i) / 2 and x = (1 - ¡î3i) / 2, since if you cube either of these you'll get -1.

Sorry - I can't upload symbols, it seems. If you're working in complex numbers, don't forget that there are three solutions to the cubic equation x cubed = -1. x = -1 is one of them; the other two are x = (1 + sqrt(3)*i) / 2 and x = (1 - sqrt(3)*i) / 2, since if you cube either of these you'll get -1.

To simplify the cube root of -1 ( ∛(-1) ), let's break it down step by step:

1. First, you need to understand that the cube root of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives you the original number. In mathematical terms, the cube root of a number x is represented as ∛x.

2. Recall that the cube root of a positive number has only one real value, but the cube root of a negative number has both a real and complex value.

3. In the case of ∛(-1), the real value is -1. This is because (-1) * (-1) * (-1) equals -1. So, ∛(-1) simplifies to -1.

Therefore, the simplified form of ∛(-1) is -1.