Why did Christian church come to be ruled by hierarchy?

Any and all help is appreciated. ☺♦☻

Most countries and other institutions were ruled by hierarchies until at least 1500.

Thank You very much Ms. Sue

You're very welcome, Running.


The Christian church came to be ruled by hierarchy for a variety of historical, theological, and organizational reasons. Let's break it down step by step to understand why.

1. Historical Context: In the early years of Christianity, the community of believers was relatively small and did not have a fixed organizational structure. However, as Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, it faced challenges and persecution from outside forces. To maintain stability and cohesion, the early Christian communities started to develop a hierarchical structure modeled after the existing social and political structures of the time.

2. Apostolic Succession: One of the key factors in the development of the church hierarchy was the belief in apostolic succession. Christians believed that the authority of Jesus Christ was passed down to his apostles, who in turn passed it on to their successors through the laying on of hands. This succession of authority, known as apostolic succession, was seen as the basis for the leadership of bishops, who held authority over their respective regions or dioceses.

3. Organizational Necessity: As the Christian community grew, the need for organization and oversight became apparent. The church hierarchy provided a structure through which issues of doctrine, morality, and discipline could be addressed. Bishops and other leaders were responsible for maintaining orthodoxy and unity among the believers, as well as resolving disputes and conflicts.

4. Roman Influence: The Roman Empire's administrative and political systems greatly shaped the development of the church hierarchy. The Roman model of governance provided a framework for organizing and managing the expanding Christian community. This led to the adoption of Roman titles and administrative structures, with bishops being appointed as overseers of specific regions and cities.

5. Theological Justification: Theologians in the early church also offered theological justifications for the hierarchy. They argued that the hierarchical structure reflected the divine order established by God. They drew parallels between the hierarchy in the church and the divine order found in the Trinity, where God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are seen as distinct but united.

In summary, the Christian church came to be ruled by hierarchy due to historical circumstances, the belief in apostolic succession, the need for organization, the influence of Roman administrative systems, and theological justifications. It is important to note that the specific structure and organization of the church hierarchy evolved over time and varied across different branches of Christianity.