What, according to the basic conditions of employment act applies with regard to the contraventions?

Please see the answers under Related Questions.

What according to the basie condition of employment act applies with regard to the contraventioms that you 've identified?

According to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA), there are certain provisions that apply in the case of contraventions. To understand these provisions, it is necessary to consult the BCEA and review the relevant sections.

Here's how you can find the answer to your question:

1. Start by searching for "Basic Conditions of Employment Act" online or visit a legal resource website that has a comprehensive database of legislation.
2. Access the full text of the BCEA and browse through the document.
3. Look for sections or chapters specifically dealing with contraventions or violations of the act. These sections may provide information about the consequences, penalties, or enforcement mechanisms for contravening the BCEA.
4. Read and analyze the applicable sections to understand the specific provisions related to contraventions.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the exact information on what applies regarding contraventions under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.