Curriculum planning for cognitive

development among infants and toddlers
should focus on which:

A. Structured themes of development
that can be repeated each year

B. The enviroment and humans' negative
impact upon it

C. Bringing them to the next level of
physical development

D. A discovery method related to their
inate curiosity

Would the answer be (C) OR (D)?
I am deciding between these two answers
and I don't know which one is the
correct answer.

D is the obvious answer, I think -- so that each child learns (cognitive development) at his/her own pace.

C is focusing on physical development, not intellectual/cognitive.


The correct answer would be (D) - a discovery method related to their innate curiosity. Curriculum planning for cognitive development among infants and toddlers should primarily focus on promoting exploration, engagement, and discovery, based on their natural curiosity and interests. This approach allows children to actively participate in their own learning processes, which is important for their cognitive development.

To arrive at this answer, it is essential to understand the principles of effective curriculum planning for cognitive development in infants and toddlers. Let's break down the options mentioned:

A. Structured themes of development that can be repeated each year: While repetition and structure are important for learning, rigidly repeating the same themes each year may not be the most effective way to support cognitive development in infants and toddlers. Their interests and developmental needs may change rapidly, requiring a more flexible and individualized approach.

B. The environment and humans' negative impact upon it: While understanding the impact of the environment and our interactions with it is crucial, this option focuses on the negative aspects rather than cognitive development specifically. It may be relevant in a broader context but not directly applicable to curriculum planning for cognitive development.

C. Bringing them to the next level of physical development: This option focuses on physical development rather than intellectual or cognitive development. While physical development is important, it is not the main focus when planning a curriculum specifically designed for cognitive development.

D. A discovery method related to their innate curiosity: This option aligns with the principles of effective curriculum planning for cognitive development in infants and toddlers. By providing opportunities for exploration, discovery, and hands-on learning experiences based on their innate curiosity, children can actively engage in their own cognitive development.

So, the correct answer is (D) - a discovery method related to their innate curiosity.