I left out these other statements.Thank you very much.

1) n 1936 Orwell took part in the Spanish Civil War (Better: he reported about the Spanish Civil War)
2) He resigned the BBC in...
Eton had a hard discipline, according to which teachers used to humiliate students in public, especially in their bare posterior.

1) In 1936, Orwell took part in the Spanish Civil War and then wrote about his experiences.

2) He resigned from the BBC in...

Eton had strict discipline, according to which teachers used to humiliate students in public, especially on their bare backsides.

(You could also use "harsh" in place of "strict.")

To verify the accuracy of these statements, you can follow these steps:

1) To confirm whether Orwell took part in the Spanish Civil War, you can:

a) Research Orwell's biography or autobiography, such as "George Orwell: A Life" by Bernard Crick, to find information about his involvement in the war.
b) Look for Orwell's firsthand accounts or writings about the Spanish Civil War, such as articles or books he may have written during or after the war.

2) To determine whether Orwell reported about the Spanish Civil War, you can:

a) Search for any articles, essays, or books written by Orwell that specifically discuss or report on the Spanish Civil War.
b) Check for references to Orwell's reporting or journalism during that period, such as mentions in historical documents or literary analyses.

3) Regarding Orwell's resignation from the BBC, you can:

a) Consult reliable sources like biographies or historical archives to find information about the circumstances and timing of his resignation.
b) Look for any official records or statements from Orwell or the BBC regarding his resignation, such as letters or correspondence.

4) To verify the discipline at Eton, you can:

a) Read firsthand accounts or memoirs from students who attended Eton during Orwell's time or from other historical periods, which may shed light on the disciplinary practices.
b) Look for official reports or records that discuss the disciplinary measures in place at Eton during Orwell's time, such as school archives or historical documents.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can obtain accurate information to confirm or clarify the statements you mentioned.