What is the difference between gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy?

One represents work done against gravity. The other represents work done against a spring, where the force increases linearly with distance.

Gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy are two types of potential energy that objects possess due to their positions or states.

Gravitational potential energy refers to the energy an object possesses due to its height above the Earth's surface or any other reference point. It is associated with the gravitational force between the object and the Earth. The formula to calculate gravitational potential energy is given by:

Gravitational potential energy = mass × acceleration due to gravity × height

On the other hand, elastic potential energy is the energy stored in an object when it is deformed or stretched. It is associated with the force exerted by a spring or any elastic object. The formula to calculate elastic potential energy is given by:

Elastic potential energy = 0.5 × spring constant × (change in length)^2

The main difference between gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy lies in the factors that affect each type of energy. Gravitational potential energy depends on the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity, and the height above the reference point. Elastic potential energy, on the other hand, depends on the spring constant (a measure of the stiffness of the spring) and the change in length of the spring.

To determine the value of gravitational potential energy, you need to know the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity (which is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 on Earth), and the height from the reference point. Substituting these values into the formula will give you the gravitational potential energy.

To determine the value of elastic potential energy, you need to know the spring constant of the elastic object and the change in length of the spring. Substituting these values into the formula will give you the elastic potential energy.

Understanding the concept and formulas behind gravitational and elastic potential energy allows you to calculate their values and comprehend the differences between the two types of potential energy.