i need to define bandwagon,glittering generality, image advertising, name calling, etc and this web site but i don't know were to look for

There are many websites you can try. Be sure to try more than one website for each term.


You'll probably get best results from the second of the four choices.




To define the terms you mentioned, such as bandwagon, glittering generality, image advertising, and name calling, you can start by using the suggested websites:

1. Answers.com: This website provides definitions, explanations, and information on a wide range of topics. You can search for each term individually to find their definitions and explanations.

2. Google Advanced Search: By using the advanced search feature of Google, you can refine your search by specifying the type of website you want to search, such as educational or government websites. This can help you find more reliable and accurate information.

3. YourDictionary.com: This website offers a comprehensive dictionary that covers various terms and meanings. You can search for each term separately on this website to find their definitions and explanations.

4. OneLook.com: This website is a dictionary search engine that searches multiple dictionaries to provide you with definitions and related information. It can be helpful in finding different perspectives and explanations of the terms.

When conducting your search, it is essential to look at multiple sources and compare the information provided. This allows you to gather a well-rounded understanding of each term, as different sources may provide slightly different explanations or additional insights.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and consider the credibility of the sources. Academic or authoritative sources are generally more reliable than personal blogs or forums.