The ramp on the back of a mvoing van is 3 feet high and rises at an angle of 25 degrees. How high is the ramp? Round to the nearest foot.

they mean how long is the ramp

To find the height of the ramp, we can use trigonometry. The given angle is 25 degrees, and we know that the length of the ramp is 3 feet. We need to find the height, which is the opposite side of the triangle.

We can use the sine function because it relates the opposite side (height) and the hypotenuse (length of the ramp). The formula for the sine function is:

sin(angle) = opposite/hypotenuse

By rearranging the formula, we have:

opposite = sin(angle) * hypotenuse

Substituting the values given in the question, we have:

opposite = sin(25 degrees) * 3 feet

To calculate this using a calculator, follow these steps:

1. Make sure your calculator is set to degrees mode.
2. Find the sine of 25 degrees. On most calculators, you enter 25, press the sin button, and then press equals (=).
3. Multiply the sine value by 3 feet to get the height of the ramp.

Performing these calculations will give you the height of the ramp.

umhh, you said it was 3 ft high.