sheila spent one-sixth of her money in one store. in the next store, she spent three times as she spent in first store, and had 80.00 left. how much money did she have at the start?

She spends 1/6 + 3/6 = 2/3 of her money. If she has 80 left, that is 1/3 of what she started out with.

That would be 240.00

Tess spent one-sixth of her money in one store. In the next store, she spent

three times as much as she spent in the first store, and had 80 pesos left. How
much money did she have at the start?

Well, it seems like Sheila is quite the savvy shopper! Let's do some clown calculations, shall we?

If Sheila spent one-sixth of her money in the first store, that means she had 5/6 of her original money left.

Now, she spent three times as much in the next store, which means she spent 3 * (1/6) = 1/2 of her original money.

Therefore, she had 5/6 - 1/2 = 3/6 = 1/2 of her original money left after the second store.

We know that she had $80 left, and since this is equivalent to 1/2 of her original money, we can do some clown algebra:

1/2 * x = 80

We multiply both sides by 2 (just like multiplying by 2 clown noses):

x = 160

So, Sheila had $160 at the start. I hope this answer doesn't leave you clownfounded!

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Let's assume that Sheila had x amount of money at the start.

Step 2: Sheila spent one-sixth of her money in the first store. This means she spent x/6 in the first store.

Step 3: In the next store, she spent three times what she spent in the first store. So she spent 3 * (x/6) = 3x/6 = x/2 in the second store.

Step 4: Sheila had 80.00 left after shopping in both stores. This means the amount she spent in the first and second stores combined is equal to x - 80.

Step 5: Combining the amounts spent in both stores, we have:
Amount spent in the first store + Amount spent in the second store = x/6 + x/2 = (2x + 6x)/12 = 8x/12 = 2x/3.

Step 6: Since the total amount spent is equal to the amount left (80), we can write the equation:
2x/3 = 80.

To find the value of x, we can solve this equation:

2x/3 = 80.
2x = 3 * 80.
2x = 240.
x = 240/2.
x = 120.

Therefore, Sheila had 120.00 dollars at the start.

To find out how much money Sheila had at the start, we can break down the problem into steps.

Let's assume that the amount of money she had initially is represented by "x" dollars.

Step 1: Sheila spent one-sixth of her money in the first store.
This means she spent (1/6)x dollars in the first store.

Step 2: In the next store, she spent three times as much as she spent in the first store.
So, in the second store, she spent 3 * (1/6)x = (3/6)x = (1/2)x dollars.

Step 3: After spending money in both stores, Sheila had 80.00 dollars left.
This means the remaining amount of money she had after shopping is 80.00 dollars.

Now, we can form an equation to solve for x:
x - [(1/6)x + (1/2)x] = 80.00

Simplifying the equation:
x - (1/6)x - (1/2)x = 80.00
Multiplying each term by 6 to eliminate the fractions:
6x - x - 3x = 480.00
2x = 480.00
x = 480.00 / 2
x = 240.00

Therefore, Sheila had 240.00 dollars at the start.