combine like terms (simplify)


11/14a + 1/14a = 12/14a

-1/15b - 11/15b = -12/15b


You're welcome.

To combine like terms, you need to add or subtract the coefficients of the terms that have the same variables. In this case, the given expression has two terms with the variable "a" and two terms with the variable "b".

Let's simplify step by step:

Combine the "a" terms:
The two terms with "a" are 11/14a and 1/14a. Since they have the same variable, we can add their coefficients: (11/14a) + (1/14a) = (11 + 1) / 14a = 12/14a

Combine the "b" terms:
The two terms with "b" are -1/15b and -11/15b. Again, since they have the same variable, we can add their coefficients: (-1/15b) + (-11/15b) = (-1 - 11) / 15b = -12/15b

Simplified expression:
After combining like terms, the simplified expression is 12/14a - 12/15b.

Note: If you want to simplify the expression further, you can also divide both numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor (GCF), if applicable. However, since there is no specified GCF, we'll leave the expression as is for now.