The radius of a ball is approximately 9 inches. Which is the best estimate for the surface area of the ball?

ball = sphere

Find the surface area of a sphere.
A = 4*pi*(radius)^2


To find the surface area of a ball, you can use the formula A = 4πr^2, where A is the surface area and r is the radius of the ball.

In this case, the radius of the ball is given as approximately 9 inches.

To find the surface area, you can substitute the given radius into the formula:

A = 4π(9)^2
A = 4π(81)
A ≈ 324π

This means that the surface area of the ball is approximately 324π square inches.

However, if you need a numerical estimate, you can use the value of π as 3.14. Therefore, the best estimate for the surface area of the ball would be:

A ≈ 324(3.14)
A ≈ 1018.56 square inches

So, the best estimate for the surface area of the ball is approximately 1018.56 square inches.