Let z = ∫e^(sin(t))dt from x to y

a = x
b = y

I tried thinking about it like a chain rule but even then i'm a little unsure.

I know dz/dt = e^(sin(t)). Can you please point me in the right direction if i'm supposed to use the chain rule.

To solve this integral, you can use the chain rule and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Let's break it down step by step:

First, you correctly identified that dz/dt = e^(sin(t)). This means that z is an antiderivative of e^(sin(t)).

To use the chain rule, we need to find dz/dx and dz/dy, since the limits of integration are x and y respectively.

Applying the chain rule, we have:

dz/dx = dz/dt * dt/dx
dz/dy = dz/dt * dt/dy

We know dz/dt = e^(sin(t)). Now we need to determine dt/dx and dt/dy.

To find dt/dx, we can use the fact that x is treated as a constant with respect to t. Therefore, dt/dx = 0.

Similarly, to find dt/dy, we treat y as a constant with respect to t. Hence, dt/dy = 0.

Using these values, we can compute dz/dx and dz/dy:

dz/dx = e^(sin(t)) * dt/dx = e^(sin(t)) * 0 = 0
dz/dy = e^(sin(t)) * dt/dy = e^(sin(t)) * 0 = 0

From these calculations, we see that dz/dx and dz/dy are both 0.

Now, we can apply the fundamental theorem of calculus, which says that the integral of a derivative with respect to one variable is equal to the difference of the antiderivative evaluated at the endpoints of integration. In this case:

z = ∫e^(sin(t))dt from x to y

Using the fundamental theorem of calculus, we have:

z = z(y) - z(x)

Since we know that dz/dx and dz/dy are both zero, we can conclude that z is a constant.

Therefore, z = z(y) - z(x) simplifies to:

z = z - z

And ultimately, we have:

z = 0

So, the value of the integral ∫e^(sin(t))dt from x to y is 0.