
Please help me solve this and show your work. Thanks

To solve the equation w/4 - w/5 - 1/3 = 16/15, you need to find the value of w.

Step 1: Getting rid of the fractions:
To eliminate the fractions, you can find the least common denominator (LCD) and multiply each term of the equation by it. The LCD in this case is 60.

LCD = 4 * 5 * 3 = 60

Multiply each term by 60:
(60 * w)/4 - (60 * w)/5 - (60 * 1)/3 = (60 * 16)/15

Simplifying this equation gives:
15w - 12w - 20 = 64

Step 2: Combine like terms:
Combine the terms with w on the left side:
15w - 12w = 3w

The equation becomes:
3w - 20 = 64

Step 3: Isolate the variable:
To solve for w, we need to isolate it. Add 20 to both sides of the equation:
3w - 20 + 20 = 64 + 20
3w = 84

Step 4: Solve for w:
Divide both sides of the equation by 3:
(3w)/3 = 84/3
w = 28

Therefore, the solution to the equation w/4 - w/5 - 1/3 = 16/15 is w = 28.