Micheal recives a 9.8% raise. He currently earns $1,789.46 per month. Estimate the amount by which his monthly earnings will increase. Help please I do not understand this problem!! :) SHOW ALL WORK PLEASE & THANK YOU!! :)

To estimate I'd take 10% of $1,800

$1,789.46 * 0.098 = ?




To estimate the amount by which Michael's monthly earnings will increase, we need to multiply his current earnings by the raise percentage.

Step 1: Convert the raise percentage to decimal form.
The raise percentage is 9.8%, which can be written as 0.098 (dividing by 100 to convert to decimal form).

Step 2: Calculate the raise amount.
Multiply the current earnings by the raise percentage to find the raise amount:
Raise = 0.098 * $1,789.46

Step 3: Calculate the new monthly earnings.
To find the new monthly earnings, add the raise amount to the current earnings:
New monthly earnings = Current earnings + Raise

Now, let's calculate the raise amount and new monthly earnings:

Raise = 0.098 * $1,789.46
Raise ≈ $175.43 (rounded to the nearest cent)

New monthly earnings = $1,789.46 + $175.43
New monthly earnings ≈ $1,964.89 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, Michael's monthly earnings will increase by approximately $175.43.