Which of the following statements about the provisions of the Compromise of 1850 is true?

A. The New Mexico Territory was absorbed into Texas.
B. The slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia.
C. The principle of popular sovereignty was abandoned.
D. Fugitive slaves were denied any and all constitutional rights.


nearly positive that it's B

I agree its B

To determine which of the statements about the provisions of the Compromise of 1850 is true, we can analyze the different options:

A. The New Mexico Territory was absorbed into Texas: This statement is not true. The Compromise of 1850 did not involve absorbing the New Mexico Territory into Texas. It did, however, establish the boundary between Texas and New Mexico.

B. The slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia: This statement is true. As part of the Compromise of 1850, the slave trade was indeed abolished in the District of Columbia. However, it's important to note that slavery itself still existed in the district until it was abolished through the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865.

C. The principle of popular sovereignty was abandoned: This statement is not true. In fact, the principle of popular sovereignty, which allowed settlers in new territories to vote on whether to allow slavery, was a significant component of the Compromise of 1850. It helped to resolve the contentious issue of slavery expansion in the western territories.

D. Fugitive slaves were denied any and all constitutional rights: This statement is not entirely accurate. The Compromise of 1850 did include a more stringent Fugitive Slave Act, which required the return of escaped slaves to their owners. However, it did not deny fugitive slaves all constitutional rights. Fugitive slaves were entitled to a hearing and had the right to present evidence and have a jury decide their case.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. The slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia. To get to this answer, one can analyze the provisions of the Compromise of 1850 and compare them to the statements provided.