the cener mass of an object (a)always lies at the center of the object (b) is at the location of the most massive partical in the object (c)always lies within the object, or (d) none of the preceding

What do YOU think? See if you can think of situations where (a), (b) and (c) would not be true.

The center of mass of an object does not always lie at the center of the object itself. It is instead determined by the distribution of mass within the object. The correct answer is (c) - the center of mass always lies within the object.

To find the center of mass of an object, you need to consider the position and mass of each individual part of the object. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to determine the center of mass:

1. Divide the object into small particles: Break down the object into smaller parts or particles. This can be thought of as dividing the object into infinitesimally small pieces, each with its own mass.

2. Determine the position and mass of each particle: Calculate or determine the position (coordinates) and mass of each particle within the object. You can use measurements, calculations, or given values to determine these parameters.

3. Calculate the weighted average: Multiply the mass of each particle by its corresponding position and add up all of these products. Then, divide this sum by the total mass of the object.

4. Find the center of mass coordinates: The result of the calculation in step 3 will give you the position of the center of mass. It will be a point in space that represents the average position of all the particles, taking into account their masses.

To summarize, the center of mass of an object always lies within the object, and it is determined by calculating the weighted average of the positions of the particles based on their masses.