when mixing colors to paint flat areas,what should I do?

what is the best answer?

What best answer? Among what choices??

Ok, I assume with the acrylic you are trying to avoid streaks..


When mixing colors to paint flat areas, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Start with the primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. These colors cannot be made by mixing other colors together.

2. Begin by adding small amounts of the desired colors onto your palette. Start with a base color that matches the overall tone you want to achieve.

3. Use a palette knife or brush to mix the colors together thoroughly. You can mix them directly on the palette or on your canvas.

4. Start with small increments and gradually add more of each color until you achieve the desired shade. Remember, it's easier to darken a color than to lighten it, so start with lighter shades and gradually add more pigment as needed.

5. Test the color by painting a small swatch on a separate piece of paper or canvas. This will help you determine if the color matches what you have in mind. Adjust the mixture if needed.

6. When painting flat areas, use long, consistent brush strokes to create even coverage. Make sure to load your brush with enough paint to cover the area without needing to reload frequently.

7. For large areas, it's best to work in smaller sections to ensure consistent color and brush strokes. Blend the edges of each section while the paint is still wet.

Remember, mixing colors is a creative process, and the best way to find the perfect color is through experimentation. Take your time, play around with different ratios and tones, and don't be afraid to make adjustments along the way.