Sally's grandfather is 67 tears old.

Sally is 19 years old.
At what age will Sally be exactly one third of her grandfather's age?
How old will her granfather be then?

( 67 + x ) / ( 19 + x ) = 3 Multiply blth sides by ( 19 + x )

67 + x = 3 ( 19 + x )

67 + x = 3 * 19 + 3 * x

67 + x = 57 + 3 x

67 - 57 = 3 x - x

10 = 2x

2 x = 10 Divide both sides by 2

x = 10 / 2

x = 5

Salys age will be 19 + 5 = 24

Granfathes age will be 37 + 5 = 72

72 / 24 = 3

To find the age at which Sally will be exactly one third of her grandfather's age, we need to determine the current age difference between Sally and her grandfather.

The current age difference can be calculated by subtracting Sally's age from her grandfather's age. In this case, Sally's age is 19 and her grandfather's age is 67.

67 - 19 = 48

Therefore, the current age difference between Sally and her grandfather is 48 years.

Since we want to find the age at which Sally will be exactly one third of her grandfather's age, we need to divide the current age difference by 3.

48 / 3 = 16

So when Sally is 16 years older, she will be exactly one third of her grandfather's age.

To find Sally's age at that point, we need to add the age difference (16) to her current age (19).

19 + 16 = 35

Therefore, Sally will be 35 years old when she is exactly one third of her grandfather's age.

To find her grandfather's age at that time, we need to add the age difference (16) to his current age (67).

67 + 16 = 83

Therefore, Sally's grandfather will be 83 years old at that time.