what are the odds in favor of randomly drawing the letter m from the letters in the word remember? would it be 2 out of 8 would you simplify it to 1 out of 4??? help

1/4 would be the probability

the odds are 1:3 in favor.
That is, if 1 out of 4 draws succeeds, then there are 3 which fail.

To determine the odds in favor of randomly drawing the letter "m" from the letters in the word "remember," we need to count the number of favorable outcomes (the number of "m"s) and the total number of possible outcomes (the total number of letters in the word).

In the word "remember," there are 2 letter "m"s and a total of 7 other letters. Therefore, the total number of possible outcomes is 2 + 7 = 9.

So the odds in favor of randomly drawing the letter "m" is 2 out of 9.

We should not simplify it to 1 out of 4 because the total number of possible outcomes is 9, not 4.

To determine the odds in favor of randomly drawing the letter "m" from the letters in the word "remember," we need to know the total number of favorable outcomes (the number of "m" letters) and the total number of possible outcomes (the total number of letters in the word).

First, let's count the number of "m" letters in the word "remember." We see that there are two occurrences of the letter "m."

Next, we count the total number of letters in the word "remember," which is eight.

So, the odds in favor of randomly drawing the letter "m" from the letters in the word "remember" would indeed be 2 out of 8. However, to simplify the fraction, we divide both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor, which is 2 in this case.

Thus, the simplified odds would be 1 out of 4.