The infusion approach in the culturally

appropriate curriculum calls into
question which?

1. integrating the pluralistic nature
of our society in all aspects of
the learning enviroment

2. incorporating many perspectives and
content from various groups into a
child's understanding of society

3. using music from various cultures
for movement and dance activities
throughout the year

4. celebrating ethnic or cultural
holidays as isolated experiences

Would the correct answer be:
(4) celebrating ethnic or cultural
holidays as isolated experiences

Could you give me some input, PLEASE!

I agree with you that 4 is the correct choice. The word "isolated" alone is the big tip-off -- an opposite to "infusion."


i do not know i am 9

To arrive at the correct answer, we can analyze the options and consider the concept of infusion approach in a culturally appropriate curriculum.

The infusion approach aims to integrate the pluralistic nature of our society in all aspects of the learning environment and incorporate multiple perspectives and content from various groups into a child's understanding of society. It emphasizes the inclusion and representation of diverse cultures, rather than isolating them.

Option 1 aligns with the infusion approach as it emphasizes integrating the pluralistic nature of society into the learning environment.

Option 2 also aligns with the infusion approach as it highlights incorporating many perspectives and content from various groups.

Option 3 suggests using music from various cultures for movement and dance activities throughout the year. This aligns with the infusion approach as it incorporates diverse cultural elements.

Option 4, celebrating ethnic or cultural holidays as isolated experiences, goes against the infusion approach. Instead of integrating and incorporating different cultures throughout the curriculum, isolating ethnic or cultural holidays would mean treating them as separate events rather than interweaving them into the overall learning experience.

Therefore, option 4, celebrating ethnic or cultural holidays as isolated experiences, is the question that the infusion approach in the culturally appropriate curriculum calls into question.