what is the correct way to use the IUPAC naming system?!!!

This question is so vague it hurts. IUPAC manual is about 5 inches thick. What part are you refering to?

If you want to post a more specific question I will have a go. IUPAC naming is quite systematic, although it can be difficult to work with with large molecules.

i found what I was looking for for this, sry I didn't post it sooner

To use the IUPAC naming system correctly, follow these steps:

1. Identify the longest continuous carbon chain: Begin by locating the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms in the molecule. This chain will serve as the main backbone for naming.

2. Number the carbon atoms: Assign a number to each carbon atom in the chain, starting from either end. The purpose of this step is to give each carbon atom a unique identifier.

3. Identify and name substituents: Substituents are atoms or groups of atoms that are attached to the main carbon chain. Identify the substituents and determine their positions by referencing the numbered carbon atoms. Use the appropriate prefixes to name them (e.g., methyl, ethyl, etc.).

4. Determine the functional groups (if any): Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms in a molecule that confer specific chemical properties. Identify any functional groups present in the compound and incorporate them into the name using the designated suffixes or prefixes.

5. Arrange the substituents alphabetically: Once the substituents are identified and named, arrange them alphabetically. Ignore any prefixes (e.g., di-, tri-, tetra-, etc.) when alphabetizing.

6. Combine the names: Combine the names of the substituents and the main carbon chain (based on their positions) to form a single name. Use hyphens to separate numbers and letters within the name and use commas to separate multiple substituents.

It is important to note that this is a simplified guide to the IUPAC naming system. More complex compounds may require additional rules and considerations.

If you have a specific molecule in mind, please provide its chemical structure for a detailed explanation and example of its IUPAC name.