On each flight, an airplane is filled with 10 quarts of oil. The airline adds an additional (1/2) quart of oil for each planned hour of flying. Write an equation that can be used to determine the planned flying time, h , in hours, for an air plane filled with 13 quarts of oil.


the same airplane that was filled with 13 quarts of oil flies a distance of 3300 miles.what is the average speed,in miles per hour,of them airplane

To determine the planned flying time, we can use the equation that relates the amount of oil and the planned flying time. Let's break down the information given in the problem:

- Initially, the airplane is filled with 10 quarts of oil.
- The airline adds an additional (1/2) quart of oil for each planned hour of flying.
- We need to find the planned flying time for an airplane filled with 13 quarts of oil.

Let's represent the planned flying time as "h" in hours. The equation can be constructed as follows:

10 + (1/2)h = 13


- The first term, "10," represents the initial amount of oil in the airplane.
- The second term, "(1/2)h," accounts for the additional oil added for each hour of flying. Since we want to find the planned flying time, we multiply the planned flying time "h" by (1/2).
- Finally, the equation is set equal to 13 because that's the desired amount of oil in the airplane.

Now, to solve for "h," we'll rearrange the equation:

(1/2)h = 13 - 10
(1/2)h = 3

To isolate "h", we'll multiply both sides of the equation by 2:

2 * (1/2)h = 2 * 3
h = 6

Therefore, the planned flying time (h) for an airplane filled with 13 quarts of oil is 6 hours.

oil = 10 + 1/2 h

13 = 10 + h/2
3 = h/2
6 = h