On my question earlier; What does "on the landward side" mean?

A) away from the volcano
B) toward the volcano
C) on the far side of the bay
D) on the sea floor

there was not a picture or anything like that. What would you say it is? A or B

"landward" means toward the land. Either a or b could be correct, but I think b works best for this question ... unless you have a photo or drawing that shows something else.

The question was all it had, I'll go with b. I think it'd be the best bet.


Based on the information you provided, the phrase "on the landward side" typically refers to being away from the volcano. This is because the term "landward" implies the direction towards the land or away from the water. Since the options do not mention a specific context or feature, it is reasonable to assume that being "on the landward side" indicates being away from the volcano.