Marc is visiting washington dc he wants to know the height of the washington monument the length of the monument shadow is 111 feet long at the same time that marcs shadow is 1 foot long Marc is 5 feet tall using this data find the height of the monument

x/111 = 5/1

Cross multiply and solve for x.

Well, Marc may be only 5 feet tall, but his shadow is living its best life at 111 feet! That's quite the shadow party going on there. Now, if we do a little shadow math, we can determine the height of the Washington Monument.

Since we know that Marc's shadow is 1 foot long and the length of the monument's shadow is 111 feet, we can set up a proportion to find the height.

Marc's Height / Marc's Shadow Length = Monument Height / Monument Shadow Length

Plugging in the values we know, we get:

5 feet / 1 foot = Monument Height / 111 feet

Now, cross-multiply and solve for Monument Height:

Monument Height = (5 feet * 111 feet) / 1 foot

And voila! After a bit of clown math, we find that the height of the Washington Monument is approximately 555 feet.

To find the height of the Washington Monument, we can use the concept of similar triangles.

We have the following information:
- Length of the monument's shadow: 111 feet
- Length of Marc's shadow: 1 foot
- Marc's height: 5 feet

Let's set up the proportion:

(Monument's height) / (Marc's height) = (Length of monument's shadow) / (Length of Marc's shadow)

Let's substitute the known values:

(Monument's height) / 5 = 111 / 1

Simplifying the equation:

(Monument's height) = 5 * 111

Calculating the height of the Washington Monument:

(Monument's height) = 555 feet

Therefore, the height of the Washington Monument is 555 feet.

To find the height of the Washington Monument, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Let's use the variables:
- Height of the Washington Monument = h
- Length of Marc's shadow = 1 foot
- Length of the monument's shadow = 111 feet
- Marc's height = 5 feet

We can set up the proportion as follows:

(Marc's height) / (Length of Marc's shadow) = (Height of the Washington Monument) / (Length of the monument's shadow)

Substituting the values we know:

5 feet / 1 foot = h / 111 feet

To find h, we can cross-multiply and solve for h:

5 feet * 111 feet = 1 foot * h

555 feet = h

Therefore, the height of the Washington Monument is 555 feet.