A Ferris Wheel with a radius of 15 meter makes one complete rotation every 10 seconds.

To calculate the speed of the Ferris Wheel, we can use the formula:

Speed = Distance / Time

In this case, the distance covered by the Ferris Wheel in one complete rotation is equal to the circumference of the circle, which can be calculated using the formula:

Circumference = 2 * π * radius

Given that the radius of the Ferris Wheel is 15 meters, we can substitute this value into the formula:

Circumference = 2 * π * 15

To calculate the speed of the Ferris Wheel, we need to divide the circumference by the time it takes to complete one rotation, which is 10 seconds:

Speed = Circumference / Time = (2 * π * 15) / 10

Now, let's calculate the numerical value of the speed:

To find the speed of the Ferris Wheel, we need to determine the circumference of the wheel. The circumference of a circle is given by the formula C = 2πr, where r is the radius.

In this case, the radius is 15 meters. Plugging this value into the formula, we have:

C = 2π(15) = 30π meters

Since the Ferris Wheel makes one complete rotation every 10 seconds, we can calculate its speed by dividing the circumference by the time taken for one rotation:

Speed = Circumference / Time

Speed = 30π meters / 10 seconds = 3π meters/second

The speed of the Ferris Wheel is 3π meters per second, or approximately 9.42 meters per second.