Leticia No se si estoy (1) si tengo (2) Primero tengo frio y luego tengo calor. Mi temeratura es de 104; tengo una (3)

y tengo (4) Casi no puedo respirar.

Manolo Estoy muy (5) por ti. Debes ir al hospital.

Leticia No me gustan los hospitales! Siempre estoy (6) cuando hablo con mi doctora. Nuncaz se que decirle.

Manolo Pero, amiga, debes ir si quieres sentirte mejor.

Words preocupado,gripe, nervioso (a), resfriado(a), tos, feibre, triste

I think


2 gripe

3 fiebre

4 redfriada

5 triste

6 nerviosa

You don't say again exactly what to do. I'm assuming you have to choose from the list, using each word only once.

1. resfriado, -a
2. gripe
3. fiebre
4. tos
5. triste
6. nerviosa


1. The sentence mentions feeling unsure or uncertain about something. To determine the word that fills the blank, we can look for clues in the context. In this case, Leticia's statement implies that she is uncertain about her condition. The word that fits the context is "indecisa" (indecisive) or "confundida" (confused).

2. The sentence mentions symptoms that Leticia is experiencing, such as feeling cold, then hot, and having a temperature of 104. Based on these symptoms, it is likely that Leticia has the flu or "gripe" in Spanish.

3. The sentence mentions that Leticia has a temperature of 104. The word that fits the context is "fiebre" (fever).

4. The sentence mentions Leticia having difficulty breathing. Based on this symptom, it is possible that Leticia has a cold or "resfriado" in Spanish.

5. Manolo expresses concern for Leticia's well-being. The word that fits the context is "preocupado" (worried).

6. Leticia mentions feeling nervous when talking to her doctor. The word that fits the context is "nerviosa" (nervous).