I have a few diff questions:

1. Georgia _____________) esta enojada or teine tos)porque tiene varicela y no puede ir a la fiesta de Anita

I put in the blank tiene tos

You have no list of words you must use? If you don't: está enojada. (tiene tos = she has a cough, won't work with chicken pox?)


To answer this question, you need to understand the context and meaning of the sentence. It states that Georgia is angry or upset because she has the chickenpox and cannot attend Anita's party.

In the blank, you have correctly filled in "tiene tos," which means "has a cough" in Spanish. However, it does not accurately convey the reason for Georgia's anger. The phrase "tiene tos" means she has a cough, but it does not directly explain her anger.

To correctly fill in the blank, you should use "esta enojada" which means "is angry" in Spanish. So the correct sentence would be:

Georgia está enojada porque tiene varicela y no puede ir a la fiesta de Anita.

This translates to "Georgia is angry because she has chickenpox and cannot go to Anita's party."

When answering this question, it's important to carefully read the given information and select the option that best fits the context and meaning of the sentence. In this case, understanding the meaning of "está enojada" as "is angry" is key to providing the correct answer.