Using Flowchart and Pseudo Code and a single real example (trace), please solve the following problems:

1. Payroll Computation

Compute the monthly salary for each of the 200 employees in a company assuming the formula for computing is as follows

Salary = Basic Salary + Allowances - Deductions

Sure, let's solve the problem using a flowchart and pseudo code, and then provide a single real example trace.

1. Start
2. Initialize variables: Basic Salary, Allowances, Deductions, Salary
3. For each employee:
4. Input Basic Salary, Allowances, Deductions
5. Compute Salary: Salary = Basic Salary + Allowances - Deductions
6. Output Salary
7. Stop

Pseudo code:
1. Start
2. For each employee:
3. Input Basic Salary, Allowances, Deductions
4. Compute Salary: Salary = Basic Salary + Allowances - Deductions
5. Output Salary
6. Stop

Now let's provide a single real example trace for a specific employee:

- Basic Salary = $5000
- Allowances = $1000
- Deductions = $500

1. Start
2. For employee 1:
3. Input Basic Salary = $5000, Allowances = $1000, Deductions = $500
4. Compute Salary: Salary = $5000 + $1000 - $500 = $5500
5. Output Salary = $5500
6. Stop

By repeating this process for each employee (200 employees in this case), you will be able to compute the monthly salary for all the employees in the company.