which of the following empires rose to have tremendous influence despite having poor resource a non-strategic location no precious metals and poor soil

This is evidently a multiple choice question.

What are the choices?

To determine which empire rose to have tremendous influence despite having poor resources, a non-strategic location, no precious metals, and poor soil, we need to consider historical knowledge and analyze the characteristics of various empires. Here are some steps you can follow to find the answer:

1. Identify empires that are known for their significant influence and power.
- Some notable empires that gained tremendous influence throughout history include the Mongol Empire, the British Empire, the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Egyptian Empire, among others.

2. Research the available resources of each empire.
- Look for information on the natural resources, including precious metals, agricultural fertility, and strategic locations, that each empire possessed.

3. Evaluate the significance and influence of each empire.
- Consider the political, cultural, economic, and military power of each empire and its impact on surrounding regions or the world as a whole.

4. Eliminate empires that had ample resources, strategic locations, or precious metals.
- Cross-reference the identified empires with the characteristics mentioned in the question, such as poor resources, a non-strategic location, no precious metals, and poor soil.

5. Consider the remaining empires to determine the answer.
- Based on historical knowledge, the empire that emerged with considerable influence despite the mentioned limitations could vary. It would depend on various factors, including the time period and specific context being considered.

By following these steps and conducting further research, you will be able to identify the empire that matches the given criteria.