the height, h, of a ball t seconds after it is released for a jump shot in a basketball game can be modeled with the equation h = −16t2 + 12t + 8.

The rim of the basket is 10 feet high. Which of the following is the correct way to set up the problem to solve when the ball reaches this height?

i believ the answer you want would be 10=-16t^2 + 12t +8

To find out when the ball reaches the height of 10 feet, you need to set up the equation by equating the height of the ball, h, to 10 feet. The given equation is h = −16t^2 + 12t + 8, where h represents the height of the ball and t represents the time in seconds.

So, to solve for when the ball reaches a height of 10 feet, you need to set up the equation:

−16t^2 + 12t + 8 = 10

Now you have a quadratic equation in standard form, and you can solve it to find the time(s) when the ball reaches the height of 10 feet.