how do you make 87 cents with 6 coins none of which are half dollars

1 poop

To make 87 cents with 6 coins without using half dollars, we can use a combination of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Start with the highest-value coins, quarters. Since we don't have half dollars, quarters are the largest coins available. We know that four quarters equal 100 cents, so using four quarters will give us 100 cents right away.
- Number of coins used: 4
- Total value so far: 100 cents

2. Now, we have to make 87 cents using two more coins. Since we've already used four quarters (equal to 100 cents), we have to find a combination of two coins that adds up to 87 cents subtracted from 100 cents. The remaining 13 cents can be formed using dimes, nickels, and pennies.
- Remaining value: 100 cents - 87 cents = 13 cents

3. Let's consider the available options for the remaining two coins:
- Dimes: Each dime is worth 10 cents.
- Nickels: Each nickel is worth 5 cents.
- Pennies: Each penny is worth 1 cent.

4. We need to find which combination of dimes, nickels, and pennies adds up to 13 cents. Let's try out some possibilities:
- Using two dimes: 2 dimes x 10 cents each = 20 cents (This exceeds our remaining value of 13 cents).
- Using one dime and three pennies: 1 dime x 10 cents + 3 pennies x 1 cent each = 13 cents (This is exactly what we need).

5. We have our combination: four quarters, one dime, and three pennies.
- Coins used: 4 quarters, 1 dime, and 3 pennies.
- Total value: 100 cents + 10 cents + 3 cents = 113 cents.

So, to make 87 cents with 6 coins, none of which are half dollars, you would use four quarters, one dime, and three pennies.

2 pennies, 3 quarters, one dime.

Your teacher is too easy.

1 dime,77 cents