The wall of reaction created in Europe by Metternich and other conservatives really collapsed with the

A) Peterloo Massacre
B) Decemberist Revolt
C) Sucess of the Greek Revolution against turkey
D) the 1830 JUly Revolution in france

I think it is D

I agree. I don't see the phrase "Wall of Reaction" used in this context with a Google search, but the period in which "Divine Right of Kings" was reestablished by the Conress of Vienna is often called the "Period of reaction". The July 1830 French revolution began the collapse of that era, as Constitional monarchies and liberalism became major trends.

Yea i thinks its D also... all the other answers are not as good, so im goin with that

Palmer. Page 462 is what ive found
Right under the purple section...

Yep its def D

Yeah its D b/c i just got that question on my AP Euro test right

To determine the correct answer, we can analyze each option and its relationship to the collapse of the conservative wall of reaction in Europe, as led by Metternich:

A) The Peterloo Massacre: This event took place in 1819 in Manchester, England, where a peaceful protest demanding political reform was violently suppressed by the authorities. While the Peterloo Massacre raised awareness about social issues, it did not directly contribute to the collapse of the conservative wall of reaction, making option A less likely.

B) The Decemberist Revolt: The Decemberist Revolt occurred in Russia in December 1825, led by a group of rebellious military officers who sought to overthrow Tsar Nicholas I. Although this revolt was an attempt to challenge autocratic rule, its impact was limited to Russia and did not significantly weaken the conservative wall of reaction in Europe. Thus, option B is less likely.

C) The Success of the Greek Revolution against Turkey: The Greek War of Independence, also known as the Greek Revolution, was a conflict between Greece and the Ottoman Empire that began in 1821 and culminated in Greece gaining independence in 1830. The success of the Greek Revolution had a significant impact on European politics, as it challenged the legitimacy of the Ottoman Empire and signaled the weakening of conservative forces. Therefore, option C is a plausible choice.

D) The 1830 July Revolution in France: The July Revolution of 1830 in France resulted in the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy under King Louis-Philippe. This revolution marked a major milestone in the collapse of the conservative wall of reaction, as it sparked a wave of revolutionary movements across Europe. Consequently, option D is the most likely answer.

By considering the context and examining the impact of each event, we can conclude that the correct answer is D) the 1830 July Revolution in France.