I need help with the math textbook stretching and Shrinking page 89, questions 33 and 34. THANK YOU TO WHOEVER HELPS ME :D

We do not have any math books and do not know what is on those pages.

If you google it, you will find it. I would put a link but I'm not able to (jiska rules)

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with questions 33 and 34 from page 89 of your math textbook on stretching and shrinking. However, since I don't have a physical copy of your textbook, I don't have the exact questions in front of me. But I can guide you through the process of solving similar problems.

To begin, let's talk about stretching and shrinking in mathematics. Stretching and shrinking, or dilation, is a transformation that changes the size of a figure without changing its shape. It can be done by multiplying the coordinates of each point in the figure by a scale factor.

Question 33:
If you could provide the details of question 33, I can offer you more specific guidance on solving it. Typically, in a stretching and shrinking problem, you'll have a figure and a scale factor. You'll need to apply the scale factor to each coordinate of the figure to determine the new coordinates.

Here's a general step-by-step approach to solve such problems:
1. Identify the scale factor given in the problem.
2. examine each coordinate of the figure.
3. Multiply each coordinate by the scale factor to determine the new coordinates of the transformed figure.
4. Plot the transformed figure on a graph, if necessary.

Question 34:
Similarly, if you could provide the details of question 34, I can guide you in solving it. Generally, this type of problem involves determining the scale factor given two figures, one of which has been stretched or shrunk to match the other.

Here's a general step-by-step approach to solve a question like this:
1. Identify corresponding sides or lengths of the two figures given.
2. Calculate the ratio of the corresponding sides or lengths.
3. This ratio represents the scale factor used to transform one figure to the other.

I hope these general explanations help you solve questions 33 and 34 from page 89 of your textbook! If you provide more specific information about the questions, I can assist you further.