I am having a hard time understanding the difference between discrete and continuous data...i have read the textbook definition and i have looked online, and i just cannot comprehend it :( help?

discrete, is whole numbers like (0, 1, 2, 3, 4). they are countable.

continuous is not whole numbers (o.976, 1.456, 2.2, 3.4) They are not whole numbers, and they are usually used when measuring something like time of a movie, length of a car.

there is lots of examples look some up on you tube

discrete vs continuous

Of course, I'd be happy to help you understand the difference between discrete and continuous data. Let's break it down step by step.

Discrete data refers to information that can only take on specific values. These values are often whole numbers or integers, and there are no values in between. Discrete data is typically counted or enumerated, as it represents isolated and separate quantities. Examples of discrete data include the number of people in a room, the number of cars in a parking lot, or the outcomes of rolling a fair six-sided die.

On the other hand, continuous data refers to information that can take on any value within a certain range or interval. Continuous data can be measured and partitioned into infinitely many distinct values. These values can include decimal places or fractions. Continuous data is often represented on a continuous scale. Examples of continuous data include temperature readings, height and weight measurements, or the time it takes to complete a task.

To help you understand this concept further, I suggest visualizing discrete and continuous data. Think of discrete data as individual points plotted on a graph, where there are gaps between each point, like a scatter plot. In contrast, continuous data is represented by a smooth line on a graph, with no gaps or interruptions.

Additionally, consider real-world examples to solidify your understanding. For instance, counting the number of people waiting in a queue is an example of discrete data. On the other hand, measuring the length of a line or the time it takes for a star to cross the sky are examples of continuous data.

I hope this explanation and visualization help clarify the difference between discrete and continuous data. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!