if one class had 20 students participating in the taste test and each student's rating is represented as ak, how do you write the formula for finding the mean rating using summation notation?

To find the mean rating using summation notation, you would follow these steps:

Step 1: Add up all the ratings.
- The ratings for each student in the taste test are represented as a₁, a₂, a₃,..., a20.
- In summation notation, you can represent this as ∑ak, where the variable k represents the student's index or position in the list.

Step 2: Divide the total sum by the number of students.
- In this case, there are 20 students participating in the taste test.

Combining these steps, the formula for finding the mean rating using summation notation is:

Mean rating = (1/20) * ∑ak

In this formula, the summation notation ∑ak represents the sum of all ratings (a₁ + a₂ + a₃ + ... + a20), and dividing this sum by 20 gives you the average or mean rating.