In triangle FGH, the measure of angle F is 42 degrees and an exterior angle at vertex H has a measure of 104 degrees. What is the measure of angle G?

The measure of exterior angle is equal to sum of two interior angles. one interior angle is given i.e 42 degree. let's suppose the other unknown angle is x. Let's do the calculation now:

x= 62 degree

62 degree is the answer. Glad I could help :)

given that m<a=74 and m<b=52, find the measures of angles x and y

To find the measure of angle G, we can use the fact that the sum of the measures of the angles in any triangle is always 180 degrees.

First, let's find the measure of angle H, which is the exterior angle at vertex H. We know that the measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the measures of the two opposite interior angles. So we can subtract 104 degrees from 180 degrees to find the sum of the measures of the interior angles at vertex H.

180 degrees - 104 degrees = 76 degrees

Now, we can find the measure of angle G by subtracting the measures of angles F and H from 180 degrees.

180 degrees - 42 degrees - 76 degrees = 62 degrees

Therefore, the measure of angle G is 62 degrees.