"Christina Nehring makes allusions to classical myths and 18th and 19th century writers in her essay "Fideltiy with a Wandering Eye". How do these allusions support her argument about women and sex? ALSO How effective are these allusions"

First of all, you need to identify those allusions.

Next you need to be crystal clear on what "her argument about women and sex" is.

Only then can you think clearly about this assignment.

Once you have the allusions clarified and associated with her argument will you be able to judge how effect the allusions are.

After you have done all these things -- which will entail re-reading and re-reading all or parts of the essay -- let us know what conclusions you have come to.

To understand how Christina Nehring's use of allusions to classical myths and 18th and 19th-century writers supports her argument about women and sex, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the essay: Start by reading Nehring's essay, "Fidelity with a Wandering Eye," to gain a thorough understanding of her argument, evidence, and the role of the allusions in her writing.

2. Identify the allusions: As you read the essay, pay attention to any references or allusions made to classical myths, as well as writers from the 18th and 19th centuries. Take note of the specific myths and writers that Nehring brings into her discussion.

3. Determine the purpose of the allusions: Analyze the context in which these allusions are used. Consider the meaning and significance of the myths and the ideas associated with the writers being referenced. Look for connections between the allusions and the topic of women and sex.

4. Assess how the allusions support the argument: Examine how the allusions contribute to the overall argument Nehring is making about women and sex. Do they provide historical context, strengthen the author's credibility, or offer alternative perspectives? Consider whether the allusions enhance the reader's understanding and engagement with the topic.

5. Evaluate the effectiveness of the allusions: Consider the impact of the allusions on the essay as a whole. Assess how well Nehring incorporates the allusions into her argument, whether they add depth and complexity to her ideas, and whether they resonate with the intended audience. Assess whether the allusions are appropriate and well-executed.

Remember, the effectiveness of the allusions is subjective and may vary depending on the reader's interpretation and familiarity with the referenced myths and writers. It is important to critically analyze how the allusions contribute to the overall argument and whether they enhance the understanding and impact of the essay.