Can someone please tell me Why is (4x + 5) (2x - 1) + (x - 9) (2x - 1) not in factored form? What is the correct final factored form? What is this factoring method called?

If it is in factored form, it should have a common factor for the whole expression.

(4x+5) is not a factor for the whole expression, just the first term (before the + sign).

To factor "completely", we need to expand the expression, collect similar terms and factor from there.

(4x + 5) (2x - 1) + (x - 9) (2x - 1)
=8x²+6x-5 + 2x²-19x+9

Or, note that (2x-1) is a common factor, so if you factor it out, you get

(2x-1)(4x+5 + x-9) = (2x-1)(5x-4)

Thanks, Steve!

To determine why (4x + 5)(2x - 1) + (x - 9)(2x - 1) is not in factored form, let's simplify it first.

(4x + 5)(2x - 1) + (x - 9)(2x - 1)

To simplify this expression, we can use the distributive property.

First, distribute (4x + 5) to both terms inside the second parentheses:

(4x + 5)(2x - 1) + (x - 9)(2x - 1)
= (8x^2 - 4x + 10x - 5) + (2x^2 - x - 18x + 9)

Simplifying further:

= 8x^2 + 6x - 5 - 16x^2 -19x + 9
= -8x^2 - 13x + 4

Now that we have simplified the expression, we can see that it is not in factored form. In factored form, the expression would be written as a product of two or more factors, usually using parentheses.

To find the correct final factored form of -8x^2 - 13x + 4, we need to factor it. The factoring method used here is called factoring by grouping.

Let's first look for pairs of terms that we can factor out.

The first two terms, -8x^2 and -13x, have a common factor of -x.
-8x^2 - 13x = -x(8x + 13)

The last two terms, - 13x and 4, don't have a common factor.
So, the final factored form of -8x^2 - 13x + 4 is -x(8x + 13) + 4.

And this factoring method, factoring by grouping, is used to factor expressions by grouping them into pairs and finding common factors.