Sneakers were on sale for 25% off their original price. Lola bought a pair of sneakers that had an original price of $43. She also paid a slaes tax 7.25% on the sale price of the sneakers. How much did Lola pay for the pair of sneakers? Round to the nearest cent.

So far, I multilpied 43 by .25 and I got 10.75. Then I subtracted 10.75 from 43 and I got 22.25. I need to know how to do the sales tax to get the answer.

You made a mistake in your subtraction.

43 - 10.75 = 32.25

Next, multiply 0.0725 * 32.25. Round the answer to the hundredths place.

So, do you add the product to 32.25? If so, I rounded the sales tax to 2.34 and added 2.34 to 32.25 and I got 34.59.

Yep. You're right. Lola paid $34.59.

To calculate the sales tax, you need to find 7.25% of the sale price.

First, convert 7.25% to decimal form by dividing it by 100: 7.25% ÷ 100 = 0.0725.

Now, multiply the sale price by the sales tax rate to find the tax amount. In this case, the sale price is $22.25 (the discounted price you calculated earlier): $22.25 × 0.0725 = $1.609375.

Next, add the tax amount to the discounted price to find the total amount Lola paid. Rounded to the nearest cent, it would be $22.25 + $1.61 = $23.86.

Therefore, Lola paid $23.86 for the pair of sneakers after applying the 25% discount and the 7.25% sales tax.