what will the sales tax of an item be when the price is $101.40 and the tax rate is 6.5%

101.4 * 0.065 = 6.591 = $6.59

what is a price of 101.40 and tax rate is 6.5%

To calculate the sales tax of an item, you need to multiply the price of the item by the tax rate.

Step 1: Convert the tax rate into a decimal by dividing it by 100.
6.5% / 100 = 0.065

Step 2: Multiply the price of the item by the tax rate in decimal form.
$101.40 x 0.065 = $6.591

Step 3: Round the result to the nearest cent, as sales tax is typically expressed in cents.
Rounded to the nearest cent, the sales tax will be $6.59.

Therefore, the sales tax of an item priced at $101.40 with a tax rate of 6.5% would be $6.59.