in the formula d=rt the time t varies inversely with the rate r. a student running at 5 mph runs one lap around the school campus in 8 ninutes. if a second student takes 10 minutes to run one lap around the school campus, how fast is she running?

What is the distance for a lap?

To solve this problem, we need to use the formula that relates distance (d), rate (r), and time (t), which is d = rt.

First, we'll set up the equation for the first student who runs one lap around the school campus in 8 minutes at a rate of 5 mph:
d = 5 * 8

Since the distance is the same for both students (one lap around the school campus), we can equate the distances for both students:
5 * 8 = r * 10

Now we can solve for the rate (r) of the second student:
40 = 10r

Dividing both sides of the equation by 10:
40/10 = r
r = 4

Therefore, the second student is running at a rate of 4 mph.