I have a sq rt sign with a 3 on the left side. That means I'm looking for the cube of the number inside the square root? That number is 189xto the 8th power. So I multiply 189x 8 times before I find the cube or do I find the cube of 189?

The cube root of 189^8 can be calculated either by taking the cube root of 189*189*189*189*189*189*189*189, or by multiplying the cube root of 189 together 8 times.

Either way, you should get about 1,176,427. It is an irrational number with no end to the decimals.
If you don't like cube root radical signs, which are hard to type, it could also be written


To clarify, the notation with the square root sign (√) followed by a number represents the square root of that number, not the cube. The cube of a number is obtained by multiplying the number by itself twice.

In your case, you mentioned having the square root (√) with a 3 on the left side. This typically indicates the cube root (∛) rather than the square root. The cube root of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself twice, gives the original number.

Now, if you're looking to find the cube of 189x^8, the first step is to raise the base (189x) to the power of 8. To do this, you multiply 189x by itself eight times, like this:

(189x)^8 = (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x)

Once you've calculated this result, you can then find the cube by multiplying the value by itself once more:

(189x)^8 * (189x)^1 = (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x) * (189x)

To summarize, first, calculate (189x) raised to the power of 8, and then multiply that result by (189x) once more to find the cube of 189x^8.